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How Often Should You Wash Your Curtains?
Kendra Bhada • Jan 30, 2023

Curtains are an often overlooked, yet important part of home decor. You may not think much about them, but keeping your curtains clean means having a cleaner and healthier home. 

So, how often should you wash your curtains? Let’s take a look at the factors that determine when you should give them a good cleaning.

What Kind of Curtains do You Have? 

The type of curtains you have will affect how often you need to clean them. If you have cotton or synthetic curtains, they can be washed in the machine once every few months. 

In contrast, velvet or silk curtains should only be cleaned by a professional and may need to be done as often as every six months, depending on the condition they are in and how frequently they are used. 

If you don’t know what kind of fabric your curtains are made from, it’s best to consult with a professional cleaner. 

Do You Have Pets or Allergies? 

If your family has allergies or if you have pets in the home, it’s important to clean your curtains more frequently than usual. Pet fur and dander can accumulate quickly on window treatments and this can lead to an increased risk of respiratory illnesses for people who suffer from allergies or asthma.


It is recommended that those with allergies or pets clean their curtains about twice a year for optimum health benefits. 

How Often Do You Open Your Windows? 

If you open your windows regularly during the summer months, it’s important to check your curtains for dirt and dust buildup at least once a month during this time period. 

Dust particles can get caught in the fabric of the curtain and, if left unchecked, could lead to staining and discoloration over time. 

Additionally, if there is pollen in the air during certain times of the year, it is also worthwhile to check for signs of accumulation on your window treatments as well as other surfaces throughout your home periodically.

Benefits of Washing Curtains

  • Cleaning up dust and dirt: Over time, dust and dirt accumulated on curtains can lead to poor air quality and aggravate allergies. Cleaning curtains can get rid of these contaminants and enhance the air quality in the space as a whole.
  • Getting rid of odors: Over time, odors like cigarette smoke or cooking odors can be absorbed by curtains. These odors can be eliminated from the curtains, freshening the space.
  • Cleaning stains: Accidents or spills can leave stains on curtains. These stains can be eliminated and the curtains' appearance restored by washing them.
  • Extending the life of the curtains: Cleaning the curtains regularly will help them last longer by getting rid of dirt and dust that can damage the fabric.
  • Enhancing the appearance: By making the curtains look cleaner and fresher, washing the curtains can enhance the appearance of a space.

How to Wash Curtains

  • Check the care label: Before washing your curtains, make sure to read the care label to determine whether they can be machine washed or if they must be dry cleaned. Some curtains might be too delicate to wash in a washing machine and need to be cleaned by a professional.
  • Remove any hardware: Take down the drapes and get rid of any rings or hooks. During the wash cycle, these can harm the washing machine or the curtains.
  • Pre-treat any stains: Use a stain remover or laundry detergent to pre-treat any stains before washing the curtains.
  • Sort by color: Sort the curtains by color, being careful to wash related hues together.
  • Use a gentle cycle: Use a mild detergent and the gentle cycle on your washing machine. Avoid using fabric softener or bleach.
  • Hang dry or machine dry: If the curtains can be machine dried, use a low heat setting or hang them up to dry in a well-ventilated area.
  • Ironing: Iron the curtains while they are still damp if they are wrinkled after washing.


No one likes living in an unclean home, so make sure that cleaning your curtains is part of your regular cleaning routine! Depending on what type of fabric they are made from, how many people live in the home, whether there are pets around, and how frequently you open up windows, it’s best to plan on cleaning them anywhere from monthly (for synthetic fabrics) up to twice yearly (for velvet/silk). That way both your health and decor will stay top-notch!

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